Wednesday, April 16, 2008

College Students, what do they think of the NAB?

Hi, Peggy here again. I'm slipped into casual shoes because my feet were killing me. I have my "business meeting" shoes stuffed in my computer bag so I can do a switch later. I'm in yet another line, but at least my feet are comfortable.

You never know who's in line with you. It's a great time to ask someone you don't know about the show. I met Billy Gedney, a college student from Corona, California who is currently attending Riverside Community College.

I asked him to send me an email on his experiences here, and wondered if he'd drop me a photo. Viola!

Content is king, now more than ever
By: Billy Gedney

With some of the new major announcements this week at N.A.B show, the annual convention for the National Association of Broadcasters, it becomes easier to see a more focused requirement for content to be king.

The first is a company that makes a product that deserves an unofficial 'best of show' is Redrock Micro. The second is a software company's team that made advancements in content delivery over the web that deserves another unofficial "best of show' is Adobe's Flash team.

Redrock is a company in Texas that creates cinema lens adaptation kits for High Def and HDV (an hybrid High Def format that records in lower quality on Mini DV tapes) cameras. This allows name brand cinema quality lenses to be used with low cost HD cameras.

In October, Adobe's Flash player abandoned its proprietary format and adopted the MPEG-4 codec H.264. This change allows for content producers to make low bandwidth, high quality video streams and small file size, high quality movie files to be played under an existing platform. This new format's implementation came to life this week with Adobe's presentations on the format wars, mobile devices and Flash Media Server under the 'New Media 2.0 Production' workshop track, which allowed content creators to see first hand from Adobe designers how theses advancements affect them.

The significance and impact of these two advancements make content king, now more so than ever, because it dramatically reduces the cost for someone to enter the film creation and distribution market. No longer does one require a studio's financial backing to bring content to consumers; it just requires presenting a message or story worth telling in a compelling manner. It, simply put, is the beginning steps towards breaking the monopoly in the capitalist microenvironment of the movie production industry.

We are finally seeing the realization of the shakeup that we were told HD would bring to the film industry by creating a more accessible playing field.

These advancements truly illustrate the goal that the planners of the N.A.B show set forth and that is to bring content to life."

Billy Gedney is a college student from Corona, California who is currently attending Riverside Community College where he is preparing to transfer to USC to further his technological and video experiences by studying at the Marshall School of Business."

I'll be looking forward to his insights about broadcasting in the future. I'll see if he'll be my friend on Facebook.

If I remember correctly, he writes for a paper or newszine too.

The future generation of media professionals are at the show. It was a pleasure meeting Billy. Billy, you did a great recap. You'll be going far in media. Remember me when you're famous.

See you on the Net!

Peggy Miles

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